Saturday, January 26, 2013

Starting Fresh

So.........I haven't blogged in about 2 years! I know, I know.  SLACKER! I've missed documenting SO many memories.  So I decided if I was going to start again that I would start fresh and redo the whole thing.  So I'm sitting here watching Good Luck Charlie (don't judge) and Teddy has to say goodbye to her boyfriend and so they are hugging each other and crying and carrying on because they love each other SO much(gag).  Then Charlie comes in and says "Why are you crying?" and Teddy says, "because we are saying goodbye and its really hard" and then Charlie says with childish wisdom "Then say Hello".  So, I'm not saying goodbye to my old blog, but Hello to my new one.  Hopefully I can stick with this one and keep it going.


  1. Yea, can't wait to stalk you!! Mine is private, send me your email and I will send you an invite :)

  2. I am waiting for an updated post! Don't lose the blogging fire.
